Channel: Happy Sexy Millionaire
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Things I Do At Home with My Four Year Old

Our "project table" (from IKEA - it has a leaf not shown.

Our “project table” (from IKEA – it has a leaf not shown – so it gets even bigger).

Today, I was inspired to share some of the things I do with my four year old daughter. Our living space isn’t huge but we make the best with what we have. Perhaps, if I didn’t have extra shelves filled with pots and pans taking up space, we’d have more, but that’s not going to happen. I need my pots.

So, here are the things we did today.

We loooove mosaics.

We loooove mosaics.

I usually buy my mosaics on Amazon. They’re little “sticker” by number activities and the results are kind of impressive. I find them extremely relaxing to do, and Kamea just has fun because they’re stickers. We’ve done fairies, butterflies, horses, cats, dogs, and many others.

Tic Tac Toe on a dry erase white board is fun.

Tic Tac Toe on a dry erase white board is fun.

I wrote the other day how great dry erase white boards can be. I liken them to a babysitter when she’s off on her own drawing.

Building forts is always a win.

Building forts is always a win except when it’s on your rebounder and you want to exercise.

Imaginary play with dolls and figurines. Those are styrofoam "ice burgs" on a blue towel "ocean."

Imaginary play with dolls and figurines. Those are styrofoam “ice burgs” on a blue towel “ocean.”

Sometimes we paint the styrofoam, too.

Studies and learning time. She loves earning stickers with each page accomplished.

Studies and learning time. She loves earning stickers with each page accomplished.

A work in progress - various cardboard pieces glued together to make a castle(?) and we paint on it regularly.

Work in progress – various cardboard pieces glued together to make a castle(?). We paint on it regularly.

TV time. Nuff' said.

TV time. Nuff’ said.

We read LOTS of books. LOTS. LOTS. LOTS.

We read LOTS of books. LOTS. LOTS. LOTS.

We are especially in love with Iggy Peck Architect and all of the books Andrea Beaty writes.



Board games are a hit in our house. Usually.

The science cabinet - which we haven't done yet today, but we will.

The science cabinet – which we haven’t done yet today, but we will.

This Circuits Jr. science activity is really good, whether you homeschool or not.

We make food in the kitchen multiple times a day. Here’s our almond butter green-brown smoothie. Kamea likes to lick the almond butter off the spoon.

Raw Almond Butter Green-Brown Smoothie.

Raw Almond Butter Green-Brown Smoothie.

And, of course, lots of hugs, kisses, and snuggle time, which this orange dog blanket (shown below) is ridiculously awesome for. I had no idea how cute it was until it arrived. The eyes glow in the dark and it’s really soft. It’s not organic, but sometimes ya just gotta go for it.

She's in a must-wear-freckles phase.

She’s in a must-wear-freckles phase.

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