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Painting our Pinterest inspired art project.
More often than not I tune out the moms gushing about Pinterest inspiring their kiddos birthday parties, home decorations, or art projects. It’s just too much for me. I mean, who has time for that? Surfing Pinterest, getting supplies, and then making all of those projects? Good grief.
Well, there’s a first time for everything I guess.
One night, when I should have been sleeping, Pinterest led me to a cute (and this is important: EASY LOOKING) art project for Kamea and I to do. She was sick and we needed some relaxing distractions, after having been stuck at home for too long.
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Happy to be painting.
It required only a few items, and I had them so that made it extra easy: egg cartons, paint, and pipe cleaners to make butterflies. Oh, and string.
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TaDa! Butterfly Garland
Excuse me while I go surf Pinterest.Similar Posts: