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Enjoying a Cup of Bulletproof Coffee w My Daughter

Starting her morning right. #BulletproofCoffee

Starting her morning right. #BulletproofCoffee

I started enjoying coffee when I was 7 years old. I remember the first time fondly as it represented my entrance into maturity. ;) I was at my Nana’s and, well, I simply asked her if I could have some coffee. Being 100% Italian, she said, “Of course!” (She also taught me how to shave my hairy Italian legs around the same age. Gotta love Nana(s).)

I was hooked from there. The warm deliciousness that marked my initiation into something cool. The next chapter of my life. A Coffee Drinker.

She's a happy camper and no doubt feeling mature herself right now.

She’s a happy camper and no doubt feeling mature herself right now.

Here I am today, still loving and enjoying coffee. I like it in all forms pretty much. And, I’m sharing it with my daughter. As she is almost 5 years old, I limit her to only a couple of sips. She loves it.

Come to me!

Come to me!

Clearly, I love Bulletproof Coffee, too. It’s creamy and takes coffee to another level. Sometimes I use the fancy Brain Octane (and, yes, it makes a difference) and sometimes I use plain coconut oil. I adore making it different ways. And, of course, I drink my coffee nice, hot, and black sometimes.

It really is amazing stuff. #BulletproofCoffee => #BulletproofDay

It really is amazing stuff. #BulletproofCoffee => #BulletproofDay

Today’s coffee recipe is an amped up version of a basic Bulletproof Coffee (my husband prefers his as a Coffee Shake). This serves as my breakfast and fuels me for at least a few hours.

Blend it up and enjoy.Similar Posts:

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